Leg 045 -- Jan 15, 2023
Henniker to Hopkinton
Distance: 9.65 Time: 1:41:37

Leg 45 in the books -- Henniker to Hopkinton -- 9.65 Miles Cool and crisp with hazy clouds - the snow has all but melted with early January thaw.
Did get a glimpse of Pat's Peak ski area with snow on the slopes as I left Henniker. About 2 miles into the run crossed over 202 and past the Book Farm and up the first climb on Old W. Hopkinton Rd. A dog almost caught me at the crest -- okay, it was two runners with dog on leash - but it still helped me pick up my pace :)
The next 3 miles were relatively tranquil with a nice downhill leading to Rowell covered bridge (where I left the RUNNH234 breadcrumb) and easy flats on 127. At 7 miles a turn on Dolly with the second and harder climb. While slogging up I decided that the next county mascot is going to be a Tortoise - how I felt. There's satisfaction in the Tortoise and the Hare knowing that the Tortoise does prevail.
Took a photo at a residence with Bus Stop request ... alas, none showed up. Nancy picked great spots to support me today and I stopped for photo ops so no real problem making to the end with the traditional touch of the door to finish it off at Hopkinton Town Hall. 352 miles now logged over 59 hours.
Next up: Hopkinton to Dunbarton. Until then -- keep putting one foot in front of the other!

<---- can you spot the golf ball breadcrumb