Leg 042 -- Dec 20, 2022

Sutton to Bradford

Distance: 7.00 Time: 1:12:26
Another great opportunity to run with Haley as she's staying with us this week on her Christmas Holiday break. The logistics of this run were a bit different from the past as Nancy was unavailable - so we travelled in two cars, parking one at the Finish and then drove together to the start.
As we stood outside Sutton town hall setting up our picture a friendly face came out to our aid and took the photo for us so we could get more of the building in the background. Beth Holly and Lori who work out Sutton town offices graciously welcomed us inside as we prepped and answered a few questions about the area. If you come in from 114 to get to the center you'll see there is a residence from a converted church (I commented on prior post that no church was to be seen). Plenty of neighbors as there is a cemetery in their back yard.
And then we were off. The route followed quaint back roads so that we could avoid 114. I was huffing and puffing a bit at the beginning as it was colder than past runs, the road was a bit snow covered and there was an early hill. B
At about 3 miles we hit Gillingham Road and that's where the days hill really set in with slippery uphill icy snow cover. Definitely made for more of a workout as I watched Haley pull away - ok, I didn't actually see her pull away as I was mostly looking down to get the best footing I could.
Once we got past the Gillingham cemetery the route was a pleasant downhill rolling (though still slick) dirt road that brought us out to 103. The last section of Gillingham was paved and traversed ice covered Todd Lake.
At 6 1/2 it was a left on 103 and then clean pavement to East Main Street where we turned right and the Town Hall was just up on the left. A runners paradise (for me) with a very clean port-o-john at the end. :) Oh, the little things.
Next up - Sutton to Warner.

You'll find the RUNNH234 golf ball breadcrumb in an easy to find location in front of Bradford Town Hall