LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022
Leg 035 -- Oct 2, 2022
Cornish to Plainfield
Distance: 9.75 Time: 1:40:09
One of my favorite runs to date -- let's call this "The Covered Bridge" leg.
Along the way I got up close to 3 covered bridges, ran across 2 of them and travelled to Vermont and back on the Cornish Windsor covered bridge.
It was a beautiful crisp autumn day with colors just starting to turn (would say about 20%). The run itself was a last minute change. Originally I'd planned to run from Cornish to Plainfield Town Offices which are located closer to Cornish and most importantly to the next location, Grantham. Having driven up for a scouting trip, and in keeping with the theme of seeing as many sites in New Hampshire as possible, I opted to alter the course to route out to the true Plainfield Town Hall and have the opportunity to see the main town and also pass by the longest 2 span covered bridge in the world.
This adjustment makes the route further, but as I am the route gatekeeper it made sense and I plan the next leg to be leg 35A -- Plainfield Town Hall to Plainfield Town Office ... also known as Meriden Town Hall. Meriden is an unincorporated community that is part of Plainfield. So it is both a town hall and a town office and thus I'm including it as a stop along the way. Especially as the town destination (Grantham) is about a marathon away.
This leg had everything I enjoy in a route with plenty of history, natural beauty, land marks and a reasonable terrain - it was nice to run without killer hills along the way.
I stopped a number of times along the way to take pictures and decided early on I'd stop at every historical sign that I saw. I didn't stop my watch so it was deceptive how long it took.
Highlights along the way included:
-- seeing 3 covered bridges
-- running across the Cornish Windor covered bridge to Vermont and back. I must say the restoration project that was done is very impressive. The boards inside the bridge are solid and it was a great surface to run on - and surprisingly quiet
-- stopping to see historical markers for Cornish Colony, Winston Churchill (american author), Blow Me Down Mill and Historical Site
-- seeing that next weekend there's a sale of Maxfield Parrish prints (one of the Cornish Colony painters) .... we're scheduled to come back this way then so will definitely stop by
The route itself was close to 10 miles with easy descent along Town House Road going west to 12 A north passing 2 covered bridges (one hidden and retired) along the way. At the 4 mile mark was the Cornish Windsor bridge, which I ran across to Vermont and back. Then North on 12A (Maxfield Parish Highway) over a deceptive incline in terrain. I felt I'd used all that my legs had to give by the end.
If you look carefully on the map you'll see a few short lines out and back from the main route. In addition to the run across to Vermont I also ran to see Blow Me Down estate area as well as started to search for a 4th covered bridge. There was a sign for it, but I opted not to pursue as it wasn't just around the bend on Mill Street. In hind site, wish I had - it is called Blow Me Down bridge and I could have run back via Thrasher - but my legs were tired and I was behind schedule and didn't want Nancy to have to wait too long. So if you do this route, and you have the legs, give Blow-Me-Down Covered Bridge a try - it does require going down and back up a hill. Sorry I missed it.
A great route - a great run - a great time! Right up there with one I'll long remember.
Next up is the route to Plainfield Town Offices - about 6 1/2 miles up and out of the valley.