LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022
Leg 034 -- Sep 25, 2022
Claremont to Cornish
Distance: 8.85 Time: 1:27:06

34 down .... 200 to go! Feel like I'm starting to make a dent in making progress. Lots of towns to go, but as I near 250 miles into the journey feels like the starting line is starting to fade into the distance. The finish is a long long way off ... but now it seems more tangible with each run.
Traces of colors showing in the leaves - cool (comparatively) in the low 60s today with a bit of overcast. Good to get back at it after a week off.
The run today started in Claremont Center (Opera House Square) with first two miles mostly downhill and was pleasantly surprised to be running under 9 minutes a mile with minimal effort. As mentioned, time isn't how I measure the success of running, but it is a great way to measure my overall fitness.
At about 2 miles took a right on Bowker for some uphill running. The watch only logged 11 flights today, but that had to be off. There was close to 700 feet of elevation gain and included 2 category level climb sections. At about 4 miles the road turns to dirt (Iron Hill) and is rolling and pleasant for the next 3 miles.
I've been running without the water pack and getting support from Nancy every 3 miles - that has really worked out well. At 7 miles the road ends and Town House road. After 1 mile the Town Offices building comes into view. I opted to run past that spot to the old Town Hall at the Cornish Fair Grounds.
All in all a very successful run. After cooling down and taking the customary pictures we headed out to scout the next few legs, with special attention to leg 36 coming up in 2 weeks -- 17 miles from Plainfield to Grantham. Was invaluable to drive it again as there are some tricky spots along 89 where we'll (Haley will be joining me!) be running on a bike path that provides the only way to connect to Grantham. Plenty more about that when I write up the leg report.
After scouting Nancy and I had a great late lunch at Peter Christian's Tavern in New London. Enjoyed the Chili and ale.
My legs are getting stiffer with the longer car rides. Fortunately after Leg 36 the traveling distances (now at 60 miles each way) will shorten up a bit.
We're really enjoying seeing areas we've never seen before - and it's nice to be seeing new sections. I compare this journey to a quest with images of Don Quixote and Windmills - we've seen the Wind Turbines of Lempster repeatedly over the past 3 months. :)
Onward ho!

Cornish Fairgrounds - back of Town Hall