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LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022

Leg 033 -- Sep 11, 2022

Newport to Claremont

    Distance: 9.80   Time: 1:35:56

Leg 33 -  Grey, low 70’s and surprisingly muggy. 3 parts to the run - 1st section 2 miles on 103 West with cut thru on Elm St (killer 1/2 mile hill) that empties back onto 103. 2nd section for 5 miles is on Chandlers Mill rd that follows along Sugar River. Stopped for pic at Covered bridge where Sugar River recreational trail passes thru. Final section do 2 miles on Chestnut street into downtown Claremont. Nice and peaceful along Sugar River on lightly travelled dirt road.


Odds and Ends:

 - chased briefly by couple of stocky pit bulls as I started on Chandlers Mill.  Their owner was about and they never left their yard - but when you see two large dogs (anyone been watching The Old Man on Hulu with Jeff Bridges) barking and coming at you like you are lunch it doesn't matter if they are staying in their yard (no fence) - my adrenaline spike was big and quick.  Can't say it translated into the legs.

-  had option to follow Sugar River recreational trail once connected on Chandlers Mill all the way to Claremont.  I'd recommend it for others, but in my case it was a muggy day and I was feeling tired and in need of support the last couple of miles so sticking where Nancy could keep an eye on me was the way to go

- not sure what it was, but house next to the pit bulls has a stone henge like circle ring with granite posts.  I stopped (as out of breath from dogs) for a pic.


My legs felt like rocks after about mile 6 today.   Running hard (for me) last weekend took a lot more out of me than I'd hoped.  My strength and energy levels were down today.  I thought maybe it was an Afib episode coming on, but no indication of that.


Taking next weekend off to hike the White Mountains with Troop 50+.


Hope to be back at it the following weekend with Leg 34 - Claremont to Cornish

Leg 033 - Start - Newport.jpg
Leg 033 - Finish - Claremont.jpg

Claremont Center

Leg 033 - Claremont Pano.jpg
Leg 033 -- Map.png
Leg 033 - Covered Bridge.jpg
Leg 033 - On the Run.jpeg
Leg 033 -- Elevation.png
Leg 033 - granite post circle.jpg
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