LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022
Leg 032 -- Sep 3, 2022
Croydon to Newport
Distance: 7.16 Time: 1:02:00
Leg 32 - Sunny and dry with temp on mid 70s. This was the flattest leg by far of all the legs I’ve run. What a joy and welcome change!
The course was route 10 all the way so no back roads. Lots of bikers out today. Newly paved and plenty of shoulder. Did I mention it was flat? 🙂
On our drive to the start we travelled the course backward. I hadn't recalled how flat it was and as result I pushed myself today and was happy to find there’s still some juice in this old body! Wasn't part of the plan, but interesting that before I took a step my body was feeling like it was getting ready for a race. I hadn't consciously decided to run hard, it just happened. Was a great confidence boost to see I could maintain 8:30 pace for 6+ miles.
Scenic entrance into town along green. After the run Nancy and I had a great lunch at The Barn Cafe in Claremont. It’s a coffee shop with great selections for breakfast and lunch. With all the turkeys we’ve been seeing I opted for The Gobbler - grilled sandwich: turkey, stuffing, gravy and cranberry. Mmmm. Fall is in the air. Highly recommend stopping in if you’re in the neighborhood.
I Included a shot of the beautiful sunflowers that are now blooming out by the patio. I’ve tried growing them every year we’ve lived in NH, but they’ve always been eaten by critters before they had a chance. This year — success … finally! Next up - 10 miler … Newport to Claremont

Newport Town Green