LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022
Leg 031 -- Aug 27, 2022
Sunapee to Croydon
Distance: 8.43 Time: 1:31:17
Leg 31 - Sunapee to Croydon - 8.5 miles / 1:31:17. Have now covered 224 miles - only roughly 1600 to go 🏃♂️ perfect day to run - detoured through Sunapee town center to start and along shoreline for mile via Garnet.
Added bonus - Got there as the annual Duck Drop was taking place. Original town hall and wooden covered bridge in background of photo. Town Office starting point on outskirts of town on 103B so another case where main roads go by a town without really seeing it.
Once out on 11 was able to get on track via Sargent. Some very scenic hillsides and horse farms along the way. Mix of dirt roads and pavement - appreciate running with little traffic. No shortage of hill climbing - got to do the marathon 12 min shuffle a couple of times and very thankful for Nancy’s support stops. More turkeys along the way to keep me company.
The last 2 1/2 miles were welcome downhill/flat terrain. After the run we stopped off at Polyculture Brewing Company for post run brews.
Thanks Sue for the recommendation - great homey set up and the Breadcrumb Trail lager really hit the spot! Added blog post this past week for people to check out at runnh234.us - A man’s got to know his limitations Next up - Croydon to Newport