LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022
Leg 026 -- Jul 4, 2022
Acworth to Langdon
Distance: 8.76 Time: 1:30:28
Knee high by fourth of July - that was definitely the case for the corn fields I ran by on this run. I have to say, this leg had it all. The scenery, especially when running on Holden Hill road and looking west across the Connecticut river valley over to Vermont, was outstanding.
I ran by a number of farms with rolling fields and beautiful vistas, lush wooded sections (especially the downhill mile stretch on Crane Brook Rd was cool and peaceful) and a variety of rural settings.
I'd rate this as one of my top 5 enjoyable runs. I really appreciated the downhill stretches, but like almost every other run there are a few challenging hills thrown in. Two miles into the leg the route takes a left and goes for a mile up Luther Hill where the smell of dairy cows fills the are (wasn't all that overpowering - but definitely noticed it). After the invigorating stretch down Crane Rd, the course takes a right up Bascom Hill. It's not long, but after the descent it feels like running slow motion in quick sand to get up it.
The view where Bascom meets up with Holden Hill is gorgeous with farm fields to the east and Vermont to the west. As mentioned, Holden Hill Rd looks out to the Connecticut river valley and descends down to Langdon.
I stopped at the old Langdon Meeting House (nice quiet traditional small New England town center) and then continued on to the Town Offices building down on the not so scenic 12A.
One of my favorite runs to this point with the variety and scenery. I left my water pack at home, but fortunately I'd packed another water bottle and Nancy stopped a few times along the route at strategic points so I could hydrate. Could not be doing this without her - so thankful she's up for all the driving and support.
As usual, we scouted the next leg (Langdon to Charlestown) which is primarily on back country wooded dirt road. Nice quiet route. We then drove (more like tried to) the Charlestown to Unity leg and found there's an unpassable (by car) section. This one is going to need some more research. It's also a half marathon in distance with lots of hills on the back half, so I really need to be ready and rested to take it on.

