LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022
Leg 025 -- Jun 26, 2022
Lempster to Acworth

Distance: 7.68 Time: 1:30:13
Could the skies be any bluer and the colors of New England be any richer than they were today? Great day to be alive and be able to get out and run - regardless of the toughness of the leg. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience today.
Two beneficial decisions today - 1 - start early. 2 - carry bug spray with me. It was a hot one here, with temps and humidity high. I had bugs and horse flies circling me throughout the run. I must have sweet skin, fortunately the bug spray did the trick.
I was a bit apprehensive about this run, as the middle section (John Symonds Rd) is not passable by car and I was unable to scout it. I knew where it started, that it was a steep area, and where it ended. Fortunately it was only a mile and a half and with the recent dryness the route as easier to navigate.
I'm getting good at asking locals questions about the areas I run in. There was a couple out walking their dogs and I peppered them with questions to learn what I could. Mapmyrun had it set to a Cat 4 climb, but in the end it didn't feel like that since I spent more time navigating the rocky terrain zigging and zagging up the old logging road.
The overall course was one of the tougher ones. Cat 5 climb started right out of the gate for 2 miles on Second NH Turnpike. I met Nancy at 2 to take a picture at the former town hall - doesn't count in the overall 234, but will consider it a bonus. Then down for 2 miles on Allen Rd before reaching the start of John Symonds. I was thrown for a bit of a loop as when I reached the section unpassable by car the road most travelled took a left and the section I thought I should follow had some logs across it and went straight. I went straight and that proved the right choice.
Once clear on the other side it was a very brief leveling off on a dirt road that comes to Lynn Hill. Lynn Hill has some beautiful stretches on it, but nothing with vista views. I spent most of my time looking at my feet as it continues up up up.
Acworth Town Hall is at the highest elevation level of any I've been to, so I've reclaimed ALL the downhills I've ever done. This run had over 1000 feet of elevation climb and to this point I've climbed over 12,000 ft. I've said it before - there's no such thing as a flat run! The town hall area is gorgeous up on the hill.
I'm so looking forward to a breather leg which is upcoming from Acworth to Langdon. Nancy and I scouted the route as usual, but made a couple of wrong turns along the way based on Mapmyrun directions. Found a better route and logistics look good for the next run -- hopefully July 4th weekend.
