LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022
Leg 022 -- May 29, 2022
Marlow to Stoddard
Distance: 6.42 Time: 1:05:11
Beautiful sunny spring morning with summer warmth on the way. Glad I got this run in early in the day.
The leg was 3 parts, all along 123. The first section was gentle downhill through Marlow (nice look in New Hampshire towns with flags up on telephone polls for Memorial Day) and then flat along mile stretch where 123 joins route 10 and goes by Christmas Trees Inn.
The second section I knew was coming, but hadn't realized it was a Cat 3 hill for 3 miles (had been awhile since scouting). 123 separates from route 10 and the fun begins. Probably better that I didn't remember. Grateful for the shade as I worked my way up to Pitcher Mountain trailhead at just past 4 miles. Plenty of dogs barking to cheer me on as I slogged past. Even one escort who got me moving my legs a bit faster.
The third section was the reward - a nice 2 mile downhill stretch leading into Stoddard. Glimpses of Mount Mondadnock and surrounding hills.
This run made it into the top 5 for difficulty with the Cat 3 hill. Looking back, here's my top 10 leg rating for Cheshire County - hardest to easiest:
1. Hinsdale to Chesterfield (tough hills right out of the gate)
2. Roxbury to Harrisville (bit off more than I was ready for by doubling up)
3. Surry to Walpole (First 2 miles up Joslin packed a punch)
4. Alstead to Marlow (Long grinding continuous hill)
5. Marlow to Stoddard (tough middle Cat 3)
6. Swanzey to Richmond (rough end hill)
7. Nelson to Sullivan (last section took me to crawl)
8. Westmoreland to Keene (long leg with hilly start)
9. Keene to Roxbury (short but steep)
10. Ringe to Fitzwilliam (deceptive - hills middway)