LEG 019 - Apr 15, 2022
Walpole to Alstead
Distance: 6.63 Time: 1:02:49

Leg 020 -- April 24, 2022

Overall best run in weeks as far as my legs were concerned. So nice to run a route where there were actually somewhat flat sections. Somewhat.
Very scenic start leaving Walpole and heading up North Main past large historical homes and then on to Old Drewsville with fields and views off west to Vermont. Route climbs for a couple miles (nothing like the first two miles from Surry - how Joslin was not rated a climb by Mapmyrun is beyond me).
Old Drewsville turns into a dirt road for 1/2 mile at the 1 1/2 mile mark and then crests at 2 miles for nice downhill (on pavement again) descent. Ramble by some horse and cow farms. Am meeting plenty of friendly horses along my routes.
Midway through the run Old Drewsville meets up with Rte 123. Once entering into Alstead township the scenery takes a step back, not much to speak of. Meanders along stream until making way into Alstead.
Had a bit of a dog scare, but fortunately I had too much of a head start for him to catch me. Was good to feel I could get my legs chugging (albeit briefly) - a little fartlek.
Town Hall is non descript, but sits in front of an area used for horseback riding lessons - they were out today.
Next up: Alstead to Marlow -- 1000 ft climb and nearly 10 miles. Will need to rest up for this one.