LEG 013 - Jan 16, 2022
Keene to Roxbury
Distance: 2.35 Time: 23:40

Pre Run: Plan today is to run both leg 13 and 14 back to back. With 13 being short it seemed logical to keep running on to Harrisville - adding 9 miles to the total. A test to give myself a sense of where I am on hill endurance .... for sure.
Today's strategy - HOLD BACK - enjoy the run, take plenty of pictures and hydrate. This weekend it's been below zero with limited chances to get out ... snow on the way tonight. With some tough legs ahead I want to see how I stand.
Last weekend's 11 miler was encouraging. I only got out once this week due to the weather, so figure now is a good time to run this double leg - at least give it a try.
I asked Nancy for plenty of water support along the way so I can abort if needed, but I do feel as long as I hold back I can make it through.
Post Run (Leg 13): Waited until noon before starting so that the temperature could get out of the single digits. The first 1/2 mile leaving Keene center brought an opportunity to loosen up. It didn't take long, however, before the one hill (400 ft of incline) kicked in. At one point I felt like I was doing a Marcel Marceau impression - barely moving. Fortunately not long after passing the water tower (1.3 miles) the hill ends. I stopped for photo op with horses and then downhill to Roxbury Meeting Hall.