LEG 012 - Jan 8, 2022
Westmoreland to Keene
Distance: 10.9 Time: 1:42:17

Pre Run: A long anticipated run today - over 10 miles with a nearly 5 mile cat 5 hill for the first half. I wonder if it's better to know the challenge ahead and plan/think about it ... or prepare without knowing the specifics. I'm going to go with the former.
Mapmyrun.com is a great tool for charting routes and recording results. Every RUNNH234 run is being tracked by mapmyrun as a way to document the journey and verify that every step has been run.
It'll be plenty challenging today. 5 mile hill, 11 mile course (longest to date), 7 degrees outside and it snowed yesterday so don't know what the footing will be like. First 2/3 of the course is on back road (it is paved) that doesn't look to be highly travelled. We've driven the rout multiple times, but unsure with snow what impact there might be.
I'm opting to run today without my phone / music. When I run with music it tends to speed me up early and I want to be very deliberate, starting at a slower pace and being able to hear/regulate my breathing to monitor myself.
Another dilemma is: gloves vs mittens ... well in my case I prefer to wear socks on my hands. It isn't pretty, but it is very effective - and comfort wins out over style for me. I'm also going to go with UnderArmor hoodie - I can stash the socks in the pockets if/when they warm up.
Overthinking things a bit? :) Probably, but the goal is to have fun and enjoy the run - so planning is a big contributor to that. So let's see how this turns out on this bright sunny frigid day.
Post Run: Run went to script - worked out great! The first half was tough as expected with hill getting progressively steeper through mile 4 1/2. Back half was gradual downhill and legs felt great throughout.
Only spot of concern was when I was running by the High School on Arch St and tried running on the sidewalk. It was slick with pockets of snow and I had to change my stride. I felt a slight twinge in calf. Decided better for me to stay on the road for the last 2 1/2 miles - which I did.
This is the furthest I've run in a long time and legs feel tired ... but strong. Knee is holding up great.
Nancy and I scouted Roxbury Route (short and steep up/down) afterward. We then tried to drive towards Harrisville on Middletown Rd. No dice - not plowed once the snow falls there's no getting through. So I think I've come up with an alternate route - will add length and require going out to 101 - but this is all about adapting, adjusting and being flexible.
Random Thought:
- need to look into setting up a website. The longer I wait the harder it'll be to get everything pulled together.
- want to start thinking about how to best get word out about what I'm doing. No real rush, but would like to think on it.