LEG 004 - Nov 28, 2021

Fitzwilliam to Troy
Distance: 4.10 Time: 35:47
Leg004 - Fitzwilliam to Troy – Nov 28, 2021 ….. Length: 4.10 Miles …. Time: 35:47
I altered the route a bit in lieu of the first snowfall of the season. I originally planned to leg to follow a nearby rail trail, but with icy footing I felt it best to keep to the road (foreshadowing - this was wise, wish I had been a bit wiser in the future snow falls :).
Bright crisp sunny morning. Started off from Fitzwilliam town hall just after 9am. You’d never know the little town center existed when driving by on route 12. Quaint is the word for the small town center.
This leg hits a climb right out of the gate for roughly ¾ of a mile with 200 ft elevation change. That got my heart pumping and my lungs working from the start. What a way to wake up. Once I cleared the 1 mile mark it was virtually downhill the rest of the way for 3 miles.
One of my mantras is to start out slow - no problem here. Roads were a mix with some clear spots, but most of the time I needed to pick a line to avoid ice and snow cover.
Pleased with the run and my knee cooperated. I tried running with my iPhone clipped to my running tights - that didn’t work, so carried it instead. Need to find a better way as I want to stop for pics and not have a struggle to get the phone out and put away each time.
Not a scenic route by any means, but was peaceful and had a nice gentle down hill on South Street getting back to Route 12 and Troy center. Taking next week off to hike up Carter Notch with Troop 50+. As is custom after running leg, did scout the next run from Troy to Marlborough. Hopefully no surprises from hike on the injury front. The last two miles are nice steady downhill into town. Will enjoy that!