LEG 005 - Dec 12, 2021
Marlborough to Swanzey
Distance: 6.21 Time: 53:35
Easiest leg to this point. Great afternoon to run - low 50s with fading sunshine. The first 2 plus miles are gradual descent through Marlborough town center leading to Kenne town line. The last bit of 101 through Keene is a bit tight with traffic as 101 is the main (ok - only) route to go East / West connecting Keene. Creek on one side, hillside on the other.
Once I got to Old Factory Rd and took left i was much quieter. Some rolling, but nothing much. Old Factory comes out to a traffic circle at Rte 12 that wasn’t tough to get through, but expect that has to do with time of day.
About 4 ½ miles in come to Keene Airport. Wilson Pond to left is just starting to freeze over, but with today’s warmth there’s a mist rising. At about 6 miles I stopped for pic in front of Amusement complex that’s shut down for the season.
From there just ½ mile to rotary and then Swanzey Town Hall is right there. I haven’t run two six milers this close together in a long time. The course was a good one to try that on.
After the run we drove the next leg to Richmond. This will be by far the toughest leg to date. The last ½ mile is significantly uphill with nearly 1000 ft elevation gain aong the way. Snow is coming this weekend so hope to get the run in before it hits.