LEG 001 - Nov 14, 2021
Dublin to Jaffrey
Very cliche, but gotta say it - “Every journey begins with one step”. Where each step leads is where the journey adventure lies. I embark, with Nancy as my support, to see if I can travel throughout New Hampshire on foot, visiting every town hall along the way.
This first run is 7.9 miles and average in length when compared with the other 233 legs along the path. One of my mantras is to remind myself that “this is NOT a race”. I do hope that my conditioning will improve throughout the journey, but I know there will be ups and downs. Right now I’m feeling good and ready to run 8 miles.
First snow fall of the season overnight - just enough to cover the ground. Temperature in the mid 30s, sun is out and sky is bright blue. A great morning to get started on my quest of tilting at 234 Town Hall windmills.
Post Run:
Honestly, it could not have gone better. I felt great throughout. The leg turned out to be a bit longer at 8.3 and the elevation change starting after mile 1 going downhill was a big help. Beautiful view of Mount Monadnock when running past Camp Wanocksett. I did run faster than I planned or expected - likely the excitement of the journey and knowing that I’m getting started. I enjoyed the last stretch running into Jaffrey and the feeling of getting the first leg in the books.

Distance: 8.32 Time: 1:13:58